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She is the author of The Dog's Gardener, illustrated by Nathalie Dion, and collaborated with her husband, Guy Storms, to write Moon Wishes, illustrated by Milan Pavlović. Milan Pavlović is a Toronto-based illustrator, graphic artist and educator. Lizzy and the Cloud by Eric Fan and Terry Fan He is the illustrator of several children's books in Canada, including The Boy Who Invented the Popsicle by Anne Renaud. Run with the Stars is a picture book by Darcy Whitecrow and Heather M. O’Connor, illustrated by Lenny Lishchenko. Runs with the Starsis a picture book featuring the Ojibwe Horses that used to roam the forests of northwestern Ontario. The horses once ran wild and free, but when Grandfather was a boy, they almost disappeared. Now he is the caretaker of his own small herd, keeping the breed alive for future generations and teaching his grandchild about the loving bond between humans and animals.Īuthor Darcy Whitecrow is Ojibwe and Dakota he is a member of the Seine River First Nation band in Northwestern Ontario, where he lives. Whitecrow practices traditional lifestyles like trapping, fishing, and ricing, as well as traditional spirituality in both the Midewiwin and Sundance traditions.

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